What other organizations can we partner with to expand into new areas of evidence synthesis ?
Campbell, JBI
BMJ, Annals of Internal Medicine, JAMA Internal Medicine
Pro-science, pro-evidence groups that are emerging due to the pandemic if disinformation
Campbell, JBI, EvidencePartners, EPPI-reviewer, Collaboration for Evironmenal Evidence, BEME
HTA organizations, research funding agencies
World Medical Education Federation, IFMSA
Welcome Trust, MQ, James Lind Alliance
Wikipedia / Scholarpedia / Scite
Surgical societies
Universities, governments, foundations
Crossref for technical challenges
orthomolecular medicine
IHME GBD at U Washington
National health councils
Local government and academic institutions
WHO, NICE or similar global agencies
International Society of Bengal Studies; Global Voices
Campbell & Joanna Briggs
Disease specific charities
WHO, GRADE, MAGICapp, GIN/guideline groups
No tengo idea
NICE, WHO, McMaster, Campbell, EPPICentre
La academia
Scientific Knowledge Accelerator Foundation (gps.health), Computable Publishing LLC
OMS, CDC, international professional organizations considering the particular issues of each region
International medical societies
Campbell, JBI, Guidelines International Network, AGREE Collaboration (Guidelines)
tiktok, instagram, amazon
health technology assessment agencies; government agencies
Independent non-governmental organizations of researchers and users of health technologies and pharmaceutical industry
African Evidence Network
Perhaps build stronger partnerships with national agencies and initiatives that also work on evidence syntheses
National institutes of sanitary technology evaluation
Education organizations
Technical organisationS working on climate change
Government-funded knowledge syntheses, like CADTH
Joanna Briggs
Future of Humanity Institute, The Centre for Humane Technology
Wellcome Trust; Evidence Aid; Greenpeace; Refugee council; WHO
Campbell, environmental evidenc
Campbell Collaboration, JBI, United Nations Foundations,,European Commission , World Bank, Different Development funds worldwide
Danish National Health Authority and HTA organizations in general
Patient support groups, patients themselves directly and authentically
none that i can think of....
Red Cross,
Campbell, Africa Centre for Evidence, Numerous national HTA agencies, this is a huge list
Guideline producers, Royal Colleges, GMC etc?
NICE. formal links with guideline developers so there is a clear route of action for Cochrane evidence - not just a partnership or 'understanding' an actual pathway to real demonstrable impact.
NICE, OHTAC, CADTH, ANZHN, AHRQ, USPSTF - government agencies; ECRI, BMJ, GRADE, ICER - other established groups who conduct/produce evidence reviews
policy think tanks and guideline producers, you need to co-publish recommendations as a separate product to the Cochrane review.
Joanna Briggs Institute
national institutes of health, meta-science institutes (METRICS)
I'm not sure expanding is strategic, I think we should be consolidating our base, improving our efficiency, and strengthening key partnerships
WHO, charities such as the Diabetes Society who have a patient base
Bond University, McMaster University
good and transparent scientific societies
Industry (all types, including SMEs)
who, universities
Get medical schools involved, esp to identify key knowledge gaps in practice
Regulatory agencies, Science/medical funding charities, Professional bodies
I think different scientific societies such as international Association of Epidemiology could really help
Cochrane should really just be a journal.
Do not know
WHO, Global Fund, CDC among others
professional societies
Media and social networks
working with evidence synthesis specialists in ecology/climate change
Campbell collaboration, CEE, WHO,
HTA , health decision makers
Environmental health research & policy organisations. Modelling methods experts.
We need to move our software to non-proprietary models that allow multiple groups to contribute to it
Technology assessment groups to build in cost effectiveness and applicability
Campbell Collaboration, EPPI centre, Joanna Briggs and guideline developers
WHO / Campbell / EUNETHTA network
Campbell Collaboration
campbell, specialised units at institutions
Campbell Collaboration , CEE
Other academic institutions conducting evidence syntheses, but is specific areas (e.g. Imperial College London on air pollution)
evidence gaps