Are there any global health and care challenges missing from the proposed list?
Speech, language and communication difficulties
I am not sure that I agree with only focussing on a small number of large topics
Scrutiny of governmental financial priority-setting criteria
Mental health
To be honest, to do this properly, need to do a global priority setting exercise, (mental health is missing)
Acute and emergency care, mental health and addictions, digital health (telemedicine, AI, 3D printing etc)
Mental health
Acute care e.g. heart attacks, accidents; Public health and health promotion; health policy
Mental health problems
Mental health; palliative and end of life care
Mental Health
cost-effectiveness, long-term harms from treatments, dementia
Ensuring equitable contribution from low and middle income countries
Antibiotic resistance (this is different from infectious diseases)
Understudied / underserved conditions and communities
Yes, surgical conditions
Women's health
mental health
iatrogenic and pharmaceutical injury
Rare diseases
pain management
I had difficulties with the prioritization - it makes no sense really. I would rather see prioritization on quality and methodology; and leave the topics to a few very good functioning review groups
Many specific. Malaria, endemic infections, multidrug resistant bacteria
Strategies for empowering people on health care
Mental health, genetic medicine
Mental Health; Dementia;
Diabetes, heart-related diseases
Care LGBTQIA+ and related Health Issues
Mental health
Education about health
Many of them overlapping and general answer not possible
Adolescence and young adults, mental health and development (not mental illness)
Determinantes sociales de la salud
Dental care
Planning ahead for management of future global health issues such as another pandemic.
Violence and trauma
Emerging technologies; health behaviour
Mental Health
reimbursement; precision medicine
Mental health
Mental health, Dietary health, Pulblic health systems
Acute care including anaesthesia, perioperative care, critical care and emergency medicine
Mental Health
Displaced persons
Human trafficking and people smuggling and open borders.
Mental health; conflict
Environmental and commercial determinants of health, non-communicable diseases
Determinants of health, health economics, drug resistance
Mental health and physical inactivity
many - this would issue is wrong - cochrane needs to recognise there are very different priorities in different countries and areas and things are often not this simple - priority is very contextual. For example, oral health impacts cancer, ageing, etc - so such a list can be misunderstood. Health tends ot be system or condition based and so we just be mindful of this as clinical input, engagement, etc MUST be core.
Mental Health
Mental Illness
I am ok with it
Air pollution
I am sorry but I think these are largely irrelevant questions
Emergency & trauma, acute illnesses
Public health
Mental health
implementation of evidence based interventions
Mental health, food security, effects of war and civil unrest
Food insecurity, Behavior modification
Public health and prevention
I think it's not up to us to choose, we all have personal biases - we should be led by decision-makers.
Cardiovascular catasrophes
All rare diseases. Cochrane evidence on these topics would be very valuable
Mental health
Rational Drugs Use; Monitoring Drug Therapy
Oral Health
Data protection
yes, the harm from polypharmacy and "overtreatment"
Mental Health
Mental health, Health care costs, Personalised medicine and related to this, novel trial designs
critical care medicine, cardiovascular medicine
Occupational health
dealing with health misinformation
acute conditions
Many are inter-related, listing cancer as separated to NCDs doesn't make sense and similarly co-morbidities as separate to NCDs
substance related disorders, migration health
Depression, severe mental illness,
Acute respiratory diseases
This is a strange list - difficult to understand how you came up with this list - why not align to more well established ways of thinking about health and social care e.g. Clinical Medicine, Public Health, Health Services and Primary Care, Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Nursing and Pharmacy, Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience
More specifically cardiovascular and respiratory disease - still major killers
Informing cost-effective decisions
Be careful in the broad groupings - respiratory research is very underfunded compared to how burdensome it is
Communicating the evidence
Mental health
Sustainable health systems and a focus on too much medicine
Mental Health
communication / knowledge transfer
I don't think we should be prioritizing based on conditions; burden differs across world; what happens to more rare diseases, etc.