Strategy for change
The Cochrane Strategy for Change is an organizational strategic framework which will guide Cochrane from 2021 onwards, as we strive toward realizing our vision of a world of better health for all people. Cochrane is now operating in more challenging strategic environment – characterised by less secure funding, an increasingly competitive evidence marketplace, increasing calls for open access from governments and other funders and global health and environmental crises. The new framework focuses particularly on the changes Cochrane needs to make in the next two years to remain sustainable.
The new model for synthesizing evidence in Cochrane is anchored firmly in Goal 1. Producing trusted evidence but also in Goal 2. Advocating for evidence and Goal 3. Informing health and care decisions. From start to finish our production model must support the creation of relevant, high quality health and care evidence that is accessible to people when they need it most. All three strategic goals are underpinned by four enabling principles, and these must be the foundation of any future production model:
Improved efficiency
The organic growth of Cochrane has led to complex and cumbersome processes and systems that threaten to overwhelm our workforce and can make Cochrane seem impenetrable. The new evidence synthesis model must make use of our existing content and methodological expertise, provide clear pathways for participation in Cochrane evidence synthesis, streamline our processes, ensure our content is consistently high quality and reduce duplication of effort.
Increase sustainability
Our traditional funding sources – public funds and license fees – are shrinking, so Cochrane must expand and diversify its funding options if it is to survive and thrive. The new evidence synthesis model must encourage and support investment from a more diverse range of funders. A more agile, responsive model helps to ensure sustainability because it enables us to deliver the high impact reviews our stakeholders need.
Increased awareness and impact
Cochrane evidence must be valued and used for us to realize our vision of a world of better health for all people, so effective dissemination must be built into the new evidence synthesis model. Cochrane’s reputation for quality is precious commodity that can be leveraged to increase our profile globally, but it must also be guarded and strengthened as part of the new model. By demonstrating our value and value for money we also potentially expand our horizons in terms of new funding sources.
Enhance accountability
The new evidence synthesis model must be built along clearer lines of accountability to ensure performance standards are met and that all those engaged in the Cochrane endeavour understand their roles and responsibilities.