Global Challenges

Across the globe, individuals and communities grapple with health and care challenges. The Covid pandemic reminds us how vulnerable all human beings are to a new pathogen, and also underlines the stark differences in healthcare access between high- and low- and middle-income countries. 

Defining a new model for evidence synthesis offers us an opportunity to respond to the most critical global health and care challenges in a different way. This represents an important change to the way we prioritize Cochrane evidence syntheses currently, but it can also be an opportunity to respond to our vision of better health for all.

By taking an organization-wide approach be can better position ourselves to respond to the most important global challenges. The themes proposed in the model are high-level and will help focus our efforts and provide a coherent framework for deciding the broad areas in which Cochrane should be providing evidence.

They include (but are not limited to):

  • Cancer

  • Chronic conditions

  • Climate change

  • Co-morbidities

  • Disabilities

  • Diversity & equity

  • Global emergencies

  • Health systems

  • Healthy ageing

  • Infectious diseases

  • Maternal & child health

  • Social care

Priority-setting at a more granular level (e.g., title level) will still be necessary but it will be contained within the overarching global priorities which are designed to maximise impact and demonstrate value to funders.